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Tuesday, 17 February 2015

I killed my Arduino!!

Well, yesterday was a bad day because I killed my Arduino Nano... I was really sad but I had to repair it at any cost.

I was playing with my Nano and using 7 LM35 conected to analog inputs and using a USB port as power supply when my Arduino died. It smelled really bad -like plastic burned or something like that- and suddenly, it stopped working. I imagine I've done an accidentally short circuit while working.

I inspected it and I realized that something had burned close to USB input. It's the part D1, a small Shottky diode.

At this point, I had two options... and if you have the same problem, you can choose:

Good Option:

You can buy and replace the diode. An equivalent option is MBR0520LT1 0,5A and 20V, and solder it in parallel with the burned one... but for me and my hands this option was really difficult.

Rude Option:

Well, I admit, I chose this option. You can take a wire and solder it bridging the part B2. It's really easy and the Arduino Nano works perfectly. In fact, my one has been working all the afternoon.

Crazy Arduino!